Dav ey Will i ams


Solo gig text Davey voice and that there text and George on music and edits etc….

Davey Williams reading from his book 'Solo Gig' and manipulated and soundering by George Cartwright from B's, released February 2, 2012Davey Williams- text and spoken word, George Cartwright sounds and editing

below you will find, not above, but below:

Bit of a short version of BONANZA: THE MUSICAL.
Dig more of this MUSICL at HERE which is number 2

Here, part three I believe and HEREHEREHERE which is confusingly labels (by me) as ‘Final Part One’ making little linear sense but there is

so much


no need

to care…love george

George Cartwright St Paul, Minnesota George Cartwright grew up on rock-n-roll and fell in love with jazz after hearing Charles Lloyd's iconic Forest Flower. He loves The Fugs and Eric Dolphy equally.The Band and Captain Beefhart make him quiver.Charlie Parker gives him chills still.He wishes he had said "Music is like rain.


con vul sive bl ses

Davey Williams Johnny Shines

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Version 2 or 3 or 4 or …of Bonanza: The Musical OR as spoken by Davey Williams: BONANZA: The Musical by Davey Willams performed by George Cartwright’s Smashing Carp at the Icehouse, Minneapolis, MN Oct, 28 2019